Centuries of Solace and the Sainthood of Apollonia
In the 14th century, desperate to alleviate their intense pain, toothache sufferers began to beseech the benevolent spirit of St. Apollonia for divine intercession.
A Dynamic Decade: Speeding Up the Handpiece
The promise of speed focused both professional and public attention on the drill. The dental engine made the drill the workhorse of dentistry.
There and Back Again: Our San Francisco Story
The history of the dental school, from its beginnings in the Mission District to its current home on Fifth Street.
Please Have a Seat: Evolution of the Dental Chair
Significant improvements in the comfort and versatility of the dental chair have been made over the last 300 years.
Painless Promises: Business Cards of the Victorian Dentist
Popular in the mid to late 1800s, advertisements or “trade cards” appeared in numerous sizes and proportions, often in full color.
Still Lives in Dentistry: The Artifacts
Selections from the museum’s collection of dentistry-related objects.