Toothache and Trauma: A History of the Toothkey The Compound Extractor The 17th-century compound extractor had features of the forceps, pelican and elevator all in one, creating a multifunctional device and eliminating the need to transport all three instruments individually. Explore this item in the slideshow below. Circa 1620, the Mayflower surgeon’s case is thought to have included a compound extracting instrument illustrated here.Public Domain: Dental Cosmos 1891This instrument (A56.1) from the Ward Museum collection may be a replica of the one used by the Mayflower surgeon.University of the Pacific Permanent Collection, Donor: Maurice J Owens, DDSColonial dentists used similar extractors in the 1700s.Courtesy of Abrams/Mosby Publishing, New York, NY — Ring, 1985 Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18